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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Just Another Report of a Country that Doesn't Want Monsanto Seeds

Hungary Destroys 1000 Acres of Monsanto maize  So exactly how does this kind of thing happen? Genetically modified seed, illegal in Hungary, just happens to appear among acres of farmland?  Turns out there were relatively few GM seeds among the thousand acres,  but they plowed those suckers under and took it as a loss, no second thoughts.

This story of destroying gm seed is not unusual outside the US.  Several other countries have responded similarly. For example, here's a video of Haitian farmers burning Monsanto's "gift" of genetically modified seed. Haitian Farmers Burn Monsanto Seeds In Protest  Belize destroyed unauthorized gm seeds.  Belize Destroys GM Seed and Greenpeace destroys GM seed in Australia. Greenpeace Destroys GM Seed In Australia

Why is it that we in the US don't also see genetically modified organisms as a threat to our food system and heath the way so many other countries do?  Did we not get the memo? If you don't get the big dealio about the danger of gm foods and/or your friends don't understand, read here: How To Win A GMO Debate-Top 10 Facts Why GM Food Is Bad  My thoughts are that we haven't responded the way other countries have because our citizens have purposefully been left in the dark.  Sadly, what you don't know can hurt you!  On the other hand, some knowledgeable others have given up on the cause because gmos are now so pervasive in US agriculture. I would challenge you not to abandon the cause.  There are generations of children/people to come that depend on us being wiser than that.

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