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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sell It First. Ask For Forgiveness Later.

It seems that the FDA and food companies work by the adage: Sell it First. Ask For Forgiveness Later.  But ethically is food production a venue where this adage would be acceptable?  Oops sorry your child got mislabeled as ADHD because they ate some our of our cute bright food colorings. Is there no accountability?  Seemingly no. Because there are no long term scientific studies yet, (other than the ongoing "Eat-At-Your-Risk" one we've got going on in our country). There aren't any scientific studies that can take these food additives off the market. My question: Why aren't we doing such studies?  Not profitable?  No incentive?  Never mind that moms across the country have seen dramatic changes in their child's behavior after they omit foods with dyes from their diet. I guess the other argument for food dyes is that Americans just don't care.  We like the bright colors.  But do most Americans know that these same American companies make their food different for European countries?  I seriously doubt it.  Most people assume what's being put on the store shelves had to undergo some sort of safety inspection by the FDA.  They don't realize that the FDA has really loose requirements. Click here for Food Dye article.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Floridians face genetically engineered mosquito threat

Floridians face genetically engineered mosquito threat
With all these unknowns it should be an easy N.O., but you've got to watch these biotech companies. They're an arrogant bunch with friends in high places that usually get what they want.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Coverups Par For the Course with GM Foods

Read About The Fish Flu Coverup with GM Salmon  
Unfortunately, coverups and lack of solid long term scientific studies are part of the GMO game plan.  Fortunately for consumers, news of the fish flu got out.  Unfortunately, I remain pessimistic about what will actually be done with that news as the FDA doesn't have the best track record for regulating the actual safety of a product. What's more, lying to a governmental agency sounds criminal to me.  What consequences will they face for the coverup?  If history repeats itself, not much.

Monday, December 19, 2011

GMO Talk in Forbes. Please Read.

Is GMO Labeling A He-Said, She-Said Debate? - Forbes  
Nope, it's not a He-Said, She-Said debate.  It's an FDA in bed with Monsanto, in bed with the government problem.  It's not even fair to call it a debate, as the citizens of this country have never had a say in the matter.

I agree with Forbes Contributer, Michelle Maisto: Miller is indeed being condescending. If there's nothing for us little peons to worry about, then you should have no problem labeling your Frankenfoods.  Shouldn't you be proud of your product and all of its' special *inGREEDients*? (Yes, I misspelled that on purpose!) I've said it before and I'll say it again.  It's lawsuits that Monsanto are worried about.  When people can begin making connections with their health and what they are eating, gm products will be doomed.  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Just Another Report of a Country that Doesn't Want Monsanto Seeds

Hungary Destroys 1000 Acres of Monsanto maize  So exactly how does this kind of thing happen? Genetically modified seed, illegal in Hungary, just happens to appear among acres of farmland?  Turns out there were relatively few GM seeds among the thousand acres,  but they plowed those suckers under and took it as a loss, no second thoughts.

This story of destroying gm seed is not unusual outside the US.  Several other countries have responded similarly. For example, here's a video of Haitian farmers burning Monsanto's "gift" of genetically modified seed. Haitian Farmers Burn Monsanto Seeds In Protest  Belize destroyed unauthorized gm seeds.  Belize Destroys GM Seed and Greenpeace destroys GM seed in Australia. Greenpeace Destroys GM Seed In Australia

Why is it that we in the US don't also see genetically modified organisms as a threat to our food system and heath the way so many other countries do?  Did we not get the memo? If you don't get the big dealio about the danger of gm foods and/or your friends don't understand, read here: How To Win A GMO Debate-Top 10 Facts Why GM Food Is Bad  My thoughts are that we haven't responded the way other countries have because our citizens have purposefully been left in the dark.  Sadly, what you don't know can hurt you!  On the other hand, some knowledgeable others have given up on the cause because gmos are now so pervasive in US agriculture. I would challenge you not to abandon the cause.  There are generations of children/people to come that depend on us being wiser than that.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Saturday Night Live - High Fructose Corn Syrup Commercial

Click Here for SNL Corn Syrup Commercial - Video - NBC.com

I especially like the skit's ending remark:  "Check out our website and no OTHER websites."  Might I say that it was nearly impossible to find this video.  Coincidink?  I think not.  There was another similar HFCS skit on youtube (see post below) but one of the characters looks like a drag queen.   Hence it's probably not something the Corn Refiner's Association will block.  Same basic message though.  How much semi-natural poison you want in "moderation"?

More of the HFCS Type Argument

Click here for HFCS Skit.
Yes it's a parody and it's supposed to be extreme but I think it puts the whole "moderation" argument in perspective given the rise of obesity and diabetes in children.  They even had the decency to say "somewhat" natural in the skit.  Do we even have a clue what moderation is?  Like soy, corn is often subsidized, genetically modified (and unlabeled),  and put in just about everything. The thing is our bodies don't handle HFCS the same way as real sugar and it's clearly showing it's genetic differences in the bodies of our children.