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Monday, August 29, 2011

Vegan Diet Can Reverse Your Risk For Heart Disease and Heart Attacks

Click for CNN Special: The Last Heart Attack  The biggest crime we're committing is what we're serving up in public school cafeterias.  It's unfair to set kids up for obesity and diabetes.  We should know better.  Look at what we spend as a nation on heart procedures.  I guess the good news is that it made a news special and a certain small yet influential segment of the population are leading the way with a vegan lifestyle.  Let's hope it catches on.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You've Gotta Watch This Kid! This 11 yo Knows About GMOs and CAFOs!

Click here for Ted Video link: Birke Baehr -"what's Wrong With Our Food System? And How Can We Make A Difference?"  
Well we haven't failed all our children.  This 11 yo knows the deal!  Please watch and pass on!

Please Get Involved in the Right to Know Rally on Oct. 16, 2011!

Click here for info. on GMO Right To Know Rally Oct. 16

Scary Way Many People Learn About GMOs!

Click here to hear Robyn O'Brien, Author of The Unhealthy Truth

Please watch the above video on one mother's learning curve with GMOs.  Industry counts on our ignorance!  You have more power than you think.  Let companies know that you don't appreciate them labeling GMOs in European countries but being okay with pulling the wool over our eyes.  Be the tipping point in the USA!  Email or call companies if your not sure if their product includes genetically modified ingredients and tell them that you won't buy their product if they include GMOs.

Mississippi Delta Churches Try to Change Eating Habits

Click here to hear how Mississippi Delta Churches Try to Change Eating Habits

I applaud the minister and members for trying to make a change in the community's eating habits.  Like the pastor said, they didn't get that way over night.  Small changes over time can make a big, big difference!  I wish they would learn the harm of artificial sweeteners though.  Splenda and aspartame are bad for your brain. Read about the dangers of artificial sweeteners I'm guessing they're not using Stevia or agave to make the desserts sweet as these products are expensive and are not heavily advertised.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New E. Coli Scare

New E. Coli Scare
Another reason to be vegan! Don't you love how they always remind you at what degree to cook your meat. How about producing meat that isn't chock-full of E. Coli? Americans eat way too much meat anyway. The USDA recommends no more than a half a pound of meat per week, yet the average American eats that amount of meat in a DAY! In ONE single day! Dr. Sanjay Gupta is about to air what really shouldn't be a secret and what isn't new information to vegans. Gupta is going to reveal through an interview with Dr. Esselstyn, renowned heart surgeon, that you can actually dodge a destiny of heart disease by simply avoiding meat and meat byproducts: eggs and dairy. Don't forget to watch it on CNN Saturday, August 27 at 9 pm EST or at least TiVo it! To your health!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Must Read Vanity Fair Article from 2008 on Monsanto and GM Foods

Click here to read 2008 Vanity Fair article on Monsanto and the GM Food Movement

Sadly if you don't happen to be a farmer, you might never know all the changes in the food system without doing a fair amount of research.  It's certainly not hitting the news.  I happened upon this article after watching the movie Michael Clayton.  I was a little spooked because it seemed the corrupt agribusiness central to the movie's plot, U North, was highly reminiscent of the all too real Monsanto. Turns out I'm not the only one to think so. As a result, I stumbled upon this article (see link above).  Yes, it's from 2008 but it's all the more relevant.  Just put the number of Monsanto patents on steroids and keep reading.

Genetically Modified Papayas are Destroyed in Hawaii (08/2011)

GM Papayas Destroyed in Hawaii

While I feel for the farmer/s whose papaya farm was destroyed, I'm relieved that attention has been called to Frankenfoods, because it needs attention.  You won't find genetically modified foods labeled unless you're living in a populated enough place to have a Whole Foods and you choose to shop there.  The comments are brilliant.  Don't miss reading those!